Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Shop My Stash — October 2019


Hi all!  It’s  time for my October Shop My Stash! I am looking forward to cooler weather and Halloween!

I’m always excited to play with new (again to me) color cosmetics that I either haven’t used in a while or haven’t used much at all! My goal is to get more use out of the products I have and to see if they are something I want to keep.

This month I have chosen products that will scream fall to me!  The eye shadows I chose are dramatic and smokey and are perfect for this time of year.  I think the rest of the products will compliment them well.


Natasha Denona Sunrise Eyeshadow Palette — I purchased this as a birthday gift for myself in June. I think this will be so pretty for fall (and Halloween)! The shimmers in this are stunning and the mattes are s pigmented!  I haven’t used it a lot, so I’m looking forward to playing with it!


I purchased this Huda Beauty Smokey Obsessions palette s an add on in my March 2019 Ipsy Glam Bag Plus.  I’ve swatched it, but I haven’t used it yet.  I am going to try it out this month.  It’s so pretty that I think I’ll love it!


I’ve had both of these products in my collection for a couple of years and haven’t used them for a bit.  They are the Laura Geller Baked Blush and Brighten in Cherry Truffle and the Essence Pure Nude Highlighter.  I am going to test these out to see if I still like them (and if they’re still good and not too old)!



These are the only two Colourpop bullet lipsticks I own. The left one is Hey Mr. DJ (soft petal pink), a Blur Lux Lipstick and Appy (warm pinky beige), a Creme Lux Lipstick.  I’ve only worn them each a few times and I want to test them out more to see if I like the formula.

I’m excited to gets some use out of these products this month.  Do you do a Shop your Stash? What are you including this month?


Shop My Stash — October 2019 posted first on https://fortyflirtyfabulous.com/2019/10/01/shop-my-stash-october-2019/

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